arcVision 28 – Smart Cities


Smart Cities as a system integrating the network of devices with the network of people, towards a growth made of education, research and innovation. 



The City That Thinks


Smart economy. An entrepreneurial and innovative spirit in a productive city, with a flexible labor market, the ability to transform and international credibility, in which there is a serious commitment by businesses to expand and improve their activity. A smart economy in which entrepreneurial initiatives aimed at innovation are conducted at both a large and small-medium business level, where innovation means not only the introduction of new products and services on the market, new production systems and new positioning of old products. Innovation is the ability to change the managerial approach, organizational vision, valorization of existing human resources and the capacity to attract new talent, care of the worker and his tangible and intangible needs.

Smart mobility. A city that is physically accessible from the outside and usable inside and that offers infrastructures and ICT systems, and sustainable, innovative and safe data transmission networks to all its citizens. Movement of people and goods is an integral part of daily life and work in the urban context: the smart mobility project plans to improve fluidity through the implementation of specific, flexible and efficient movement, utilizing various transport services and the technological support of new mobile connection tools and personalized mobile applications.

Smart environment. Appealing natural habitats with low pollution levels and sustainable management of resources and waste. Smart environment interpreted as care and concern. First and foremost care for the beauty of the landscape or the visible features that make up the most evident aspect. Then care for the quality of the constituent natural elements, the air, water and the soil and monitoring of their modification/alteration. Finally, the quest for an answer to pollution via intervention in the processes of use and transformation of natural resources.

Smart people. Improve the degree of training of citizens, greater appreciation of education and culture, attention to social and ethnic diversity, promotion of flexibility and creativity, a cosmopolitan spirit and participation in public life. Individuals become the protagonists of change and not passive spectators able to direct their behavior towards the acquisition, sharing, cogeneration and transfer of knowledge within the social cognitive framework, as a system equipped with its own memory, specific vision of the world and identity-forming ideologies.

Smart living. Investments in cultural and educational centers, with excellent sanitary conditions, security measures for citizens, quality of habitations, tourist attractions and social cohesion. Modern man is looking for a better lifestyle through the use of the most advanced technology that simplifies his daily reality and offers a happier, healthier and more productive life. A style of life that is not limited to the single individual but extended to the common wellbeing of citizens and visitors.

Smart administration. Regulatory and administrative simplification. A participatory role for citizens in decision-making processes, the provision of quality public and social services and transparent management. A strategic vision of the development of the city founded on a scientific approach and constant information, awareness and direct participation of public opinion intervention.

These are the indicators. Smart. It’s up to us to meet them.

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