The cultural program centered around arcVision aim is to flank its industrial operations with a commitment to research and education, promoting the building construction culture as an essential tool to reach levels of operating excellence. In the construction materials sector, this commitment has led to the development of new products with a high environmental value, overcoming the conceptual limit generally placed on cement, regarded as a non-differentiated material lacking added value.
Over the years, the program has produced books, a special portal, international exhibitions and conferences dealing with architectural materials, structures, technologies and systems.
arcVision is a six-monthly magazine founded in 1997 in Bergamo.
Published in Italian, English and French and with a circulation of 6,000 copies per issue, it is solely available as free subscription in Italy, France, Belgium, Spain, Greece, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, India, Thailand, Egypt, Morocco, USA and Canada.
Designed with a refined layout and style encompassing 100 large format A4 pages, the magazine gathers high-profile contributions from the world of industry, economics and architecture.
arcVision is actually set to reach, on a regular basis, a vast audience including economists, opinion leaders, architects, designers, journalists, communication people, scholars and students
The magazine’s sections
Society, economics, finance and markets. The new opportunities afforded by a world without borders impose a collective awareness and the involvement of companies in the field of economic, social and environmental responsibility. Such a commitment is no longer just an accessory to corporate governance, but an indispensable tool for growth
Projects, materials, technologies and ways of making architecture. The professional and cultural ground on which our contemporary buildings are standing has deeply changed. New manufacturing processes and new materials, new management of spaces and services and new relationships between interior and exterior, as a function of a different view of the environment, understood as nature and urban territory.
A comprehensive view of the arcVsion strong link with the territory and the local traditions, its commitment to innovation and technological research, its attention to human relationships, protection of the environment and customer care, with an open eye on economic and welfare dynamics.
arcVision book is part of wider cultural program centered around arcVision, the magazine published since 1997 to create closer ties between corporate culture and architectural culture.
Over the years, the program has produced books, a special portal, international exhibitions and conferences dealing with architectural materials, structures, technologies and systems.