arcVision 18 – Image Building


A special edition (only in english) to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of Italcementi Group Corporate Identity in the recollections of those people who strongly believed in this challenge.


 Italcementi Group Corporate Identity. Ten Years On

10 March 1997 is the date marking the creation of the Italcementi Group corporate identity—an integral part of the business strategy to spread the know-how of individual local operations throughout the organisation, to establish new common procedures, to accustom people to feeling part of a single team. It was 1992 when Italcementi acquired Ciments Français, one of the world’s largest cement players, more than twice the size of the Italian company: in an industry where, at the time, mergers were few and far between, the acquisition took the market by surprise. Italcementi was implementing a strategic and tactical programme to extend its geographical range and increase business diversification. In many ways, the acquisition was a bold move, involving a sweeping restructuring and re-organisation to accomplish the integration of the two companies.
The process was driven primarily by the need to optimise industrial plant performance across the Group by leveraging Italcementi’s long and distinguished tradition of technical expertise and know-how. For this reason, the first step was the formation of the CTG, the Group Technical Centre, a joint venture equally owned by Italcementi and Ciments Français which has been responsible for plant management and R&D since 1994. The on-going integration of the two companies’ corporate cultures eventually led to a new management policy combining Italcementi’s worldwide vocation and local operations with strategic geographical expansion, thereby establishing the vision of the Group as a world class local business. Today, after subsequent acquisitions in four continents, Italcementi Group is active in 22 countries and has more than 23,000 employees. A result achieved by coupling an international outlook with a constant focus on maintaining the balanced economic and production footing that has always been a hallmark of the Group’s operations.
Italcementi Group’s history reflects the gradual development of an ethical and professional heritage whose solid roots guarantee secure growth. Strong ties with the community and cultural traditions, the importance attached to R&D and attention to people are still today the core values of an organisation whose continuing expansion is guided by the principles of sustainable development. Italcementi Group wants to hand on an organisation with a great business heritage: a legacy through which it will continue to grow, generating wealth for its shareholders and stakeholders.

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