Giampaolo Imbrighi


Graduated in 1972 on Architecture with full marks at La Sapienza University of Rome, has got the biennial post-lauream Specialization Diploma on “Study and Restoration of Monuments” at Rome University.

Architetti_ImbrighiStaff researcher at the Faculty of Architecture since the Academic Year 1972-73, from 1991 is Professor at the course of “Building Materials Technology”; he is also teacher at the post-graduate Course on “Bioecological Architecture and Environment Bearable Technology”, still at the University of Rome, where is now Professor of Construction Systems Design. Has been enroled, by competition, on the National Register of Land Planning Experts at the Ministry of Public Works and has achieved the Diploma at the Tanajakademia in Szombathely, Hungary, on “Problems of small and medium cities”.

Has executed numerous plans, feasibility studies, competitions, projects, works supervisions, evaluations and tests on the area of planning, transport and mobility, civil and public works and adjustments, rearrangements and requalifications, particularly on historical centers areas. Author of new buildings as: the project for the Station “Rome” in the Metropolitan of Moscow (Russia); the Carriage Museum in the Presidential Compound Castelporziano, Rome; Quaestorship in Sassari; the New Judicial City in Latina; buildings all realized.

Author of numerous rehabilitation projects or restoration including: the headquarters of the Offices of the Prime Minister; the historical Palazzo della Consulta, seat of the Constitutional Court; the FAO Headquarters in Rome; the Ministry of Productive Activities; the Historic Complex of San Michele Ripa; the “Urban Trident” in the historical center of Rome; works all realized. He is winner the accommodation of “75 squares of Rome” and recently partecipations in architectural competitions comported first position in New Customs Police Building in Civitavecchia, Rome Structures Complex for Swimming World Championship 2009, all built, and Official Italian Pavilion for Universal Expo 2010 in Shanghai (China).

Expert analyst of procedures on territorial tecnhological trasformation, has completed numerous reserches on the subject and is author of about one hundred publications, among wich more than ten volumes.

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